Portfolio Construction
- Build portfolios based on roughly 50 equally weighted positions in ETFs and stocks
- Create portfolios to provide diversification by style, geography and capitalization
- Weight positions against the subcomponents of the benchmark
- Emphasize and express investment conclusions derived from our four idea sources (themes, macro, opportunistic and network)
- Try to create relative alpha by over or underweighting ETFs vs. the related benchmark sector or geography
- Attempt to generate relative alpha by stock selection as complement to ETFs
- Leverage Morningstar weightings and “look-through” capability to ensure appropriate asset class and sector weightings vs. relevant benchmarks
- Depend upon our technology (Apple-based system stability, security) to create efficiency
- Use Rockingstone’s in-house five-year asset class return calculations to ensure that client portfolios properly express our outlook
- Try to create relative alpha by over or underweighting ETFs vs. the related benchmark sector or geography
- Attempt to generate relative alpha by stock selection as complement to ETFs